The holy Column of the Flagellation

The Holy Column of the Flagellation of our Lord Jesus Christ

The holy Column of the Flagellation of our Lord Jesus Christ

which is venerated in the oratory of St. Zenon in the church of St. Praxedis in Rome

The important relic of the holy Column of Flagellation was transported from Jerusalem to Rome by John Cardinal Colonna, one of the leaders of the sixth Crusade, in the year of 1223, and was put up in his title church of St. Praxedis (Italian: Santa Prassede), in the oratory of St. Zenon. It is of jasper marble with white, black and green specks. At the base, it is wider than at its top, and it measures 25 inches of height. The ever increasing veneration of the faithful erected an elegant reliquary of gilded bronze for it in 1898. Its feast is celebrated solemnly on the fourth Lenten Sunday (the former Passion Sunday).


My divine Redeemer, who Thou didst become especially by letting Thyself be bound to the Column of Flagellation for the love of souls! How much confusion, which laceration my sins did cause Thee! Oh passing passions, which did cost Thee such pains! But now I detest my sins, the reason for thy torture, and before this holy Column, which Thy precious Blood tinted red, with all my heart I humbly beg Thy forgiveness.
Once the Lord’s Prayer, once the Angelic Salutation.

Description and prayer are taken from the devotional picture available at St. Praxedis’ and translated from Italian by the author of these pages.

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